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"Global Community in Queens, New York City"

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Bona Fortuna $chraders!

RalphJen.jpg (35537 bytes) Ralph W. Schrader of Hollis, New York became one with Jennifer Lee Belfiore on Saturday and Sunday, the twenty-eighth of July, 2001. Jennifer Lee is the daughter of Mr. Mario Belfiore and Dr. Lois Belfiore. Nuptials took place in a fairytale event at the Oheka Castle in Cold Spring Hills, NY complete with horse-drawn carriage and symphony orchestra. The ceremony was conducted outdoors in the Castle's Garden which was reminiscent of the Palace at Versailles. A black tie reception was held on the premises of this "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" Castle and many in the Wedding Party stayed the night and breakfasted there. "This marriage easily
topped the one million dollar mark" boasted best man and heir to the 1-800-Mattress fortune Louis Barrigan. "The Hearst Castle in California would
Oheka.jpg (17042 bytes) have been acceptable if they bought their mattresses from Dial-A-Mattress," quipped Barrigan. Her father Mario said, "I wanted the best for my daughter Jennifer. She is a beautiful person and Ralph Schrader is a terrific fellow. He's from Hollis Gardens. It's a great place to be from and now
with all the speed bump signs lighting up the neighborhood I can land my aircraft without instruments in two directions!" 
Mario.jpg (22463 bytes) Belfiore pictured at left is a very handsome and very happy father. The big surprise of the gala was when he and his daughter made an unexpected spectacular entrance on cue to "Here Comes The Bride." A horse drawn carriage carrying father and daughter sent the paparazzi scrambling for shots, taking them by surprise. Belfiore later joked, "maybe I'll let the photographer with the best shot of that sit in my courtside seats to a New York Knicks game." Marie Schrader, the groom's mother, remarked, "The ring bearer is so handsome! I am very proud and very happy today." The estate of Otto Herman Kahn is quite impressive. Oheka was built in the
1920's and has been fully restored and revamped. The bridal suite boasts an indoor waterfall. It is a truly romantic place. rich with history and culture. Oheka (named for Otto Herman Kahn) is the second largest private residence built in the United States (after the Hearst Castle in California) OHEKA was featured in the 1941 Orson Welles film classic, “Citizen Kane,” and also in the “Eccentrics“ episode of the Arts and Entertainment Network’s “America’s Castles” series. Built atop a man made hill, OHEKA includes 127 rooms and was the site of some of the most lavish parties ever hosted on Long Island’s “Gold Coast” during the Roaring Twenties. Guests included opera great Enrico Caruso and legendary conductor Arturo Toscanini, as well as George Gershwin, Helen Hayes, Fanny Brice and other major stage and screen stars of the era. Otto Kahn was born on Ring.jpg (34708 bytes)
February 21, 1867, in Mannheim, Germany, the fourth of eight children. Otto Kahn was destined for the field of banking and became a patron to the arts. As for politics,  he is remembered for his famous quote, "The deadliest foe of democracy is not autocracy but liberty frenzied."

  1-800-Mattress - Leave off the last S for savings!


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Last modified: May 01, 2008