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Youth Activities at CSJE

By LORRAINE NACHBAR, The CSJE Bulletin, Jamaica Estates *

Recently H2E Youth Groups did a Social Actions project. Our Chalutzim group, grades 3 to 5, made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for those less fortunate. The sandwiches were fun to make, and some of our kids wore more of the food than went on the sandwiches. We packed up the 250 sandwiches into beautiful boxes that the USY'ers made and the following morning I brought the boxes to a soup kitchen.

If you have never been to a soup kitchen, you might be surprised, as I was. The people there are so happy to see you and very excited to find out what you have brought. One homeless woman was very excited with the decorated boxes and asked if she could have the one with a lid. They helped me carry the boxes of food and the bags of clothing that we had collected into the building. Inside, volunteers were very busy preparing for the lunch hour and were thrilled at the amount of sandwiches we had made. A hearty Yasher koach to all the children and teens who helped bringjoy to these people. This was truly a mitzvah. Thank you to all who shared from their heart.

If you would like more information on this program or on any youth program, please feel free to e-mail me at LMNachbar@aol.com

* Lorraine Nachbar wrote this piece for the February, 2001 issue, Vol xxvii, No. 5, of the Conservative Synagogue of Jamaica Estates Bulletin, Isidoro Aizenberg, Rabbi, 182-69 Wexford Terrace, Jamaica Estates, NY 11432, 718-658-2587.



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