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Troop 158 Celebrates
82 Great
Years! Happy Anniversary!
Boy Scouts of America Troop 158
of Founders District, Greater New York Council
Troop 158's 82nd Year!
In Queens Village, NY on August 25th, 2007 |
to Boy Scouts of America Troop #158, Queens Village, NY 11427 on their 80th Anniversary!
The Troop is Actively seeking new members between the ages of 11 and 18. Participation by
their parents is invited. Young men have the opportunity to work their way to Eagle Scout
as they earn merit badges aimed at exploring personal growth, sports, avocations, careers,
crafts and more. Some famous Eagle Scouts have included: Donald Rumsfeld, Secy of Defense;
Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States; Hank Aaron, Baseball Player; Neil
Armstrong, Astronaut; Michael Bloomberg, NYC Mayor; William Sessions, Former FBI Director;
and Steven Spielberg, Producer. Spielberg made a movie of his troop while earning
Photography Merit Badge! The Troop meets Fridays at 7:30 PM at the Redeemer Lutheran
Church, 92-10 217th Street, Queens Village, NY 11428. For further information please call
Sam Hunte, Scoutmaster at 718-465-1712. For more info
contact Scoutmaster Sam at 718-465-1712. |
Manny Caughman Joined by Atty
Gen & Kulfi Annan!
Art Buchwald; National Columnist Recipient of the
1996 Presidents Medal
From http://www.gostjohns.org/Honored/Pres_Medal/1996_buchwald_art.htm
Art Buchwald was born in Mt. Vernon, New York and raised in Hollis in
Queens, New York. He attended P.S. 35, Jamaica High School and Forest Hills High School.
He never graduated. He ran away to join the Marines where he served honorably (so he
claims) from 1942 to 1945 in the Pacific.
On return to civilian life, he enrolled at the University of Southern
California even though he did not have a high school diploma. After three years he heard
that he could go to Paris on the G.I. Bill of Rights. So he left USC and bought a one-way
ticket to France.
While pretending to attend a French language school in Paris, Mr.
Buchwald landed a job with VARIETY Magazine. In January 1949 he took a trial column to the
offices of the European edition of the New York Herald Tribune. Its title was "Paris
After Dark." Mr. Buchwald sold the Tribune on the fact that he was qualified to write
about the restaurants and night life of Paris because of his culinary experiences in the
Marine Corps. No one checked his credentials and in time he was considered the best-fed
newspaperman in Europe.
In 1952 the New York Herald Tribune in New York decided to syndicate
the Buchwald column which by then encompassed Europe as well as Paris.
Although these columns dealt with another continent, they were very
successful in the U.S. Buchwald portrayed himself as the Charlie Chaplin of the
international set. He was constantly being thrown out of parties and off yachts. He
traveled to the Soviet Union in a chauffeur-driven limousine to let the Soviet people see
what a capitalist really looked like.
He went to Africa to find a white hunter so that he could be considered
a true-blue writer in a class with Hemingway.
In 1962 he decided to return to the United States to live in
Washington, D.C. He is syndicated with the Los Angeles Times Syndicate and he continues to
write for 550 newspapers --from Seattle to Yokohama.
He has written twenty-eight books --including "I Think I Don't
Remember" (Putnam, 1987); "Whose Rose Garden Is It Anyway?" (Putnam, 1989);
"Lighten Up, George" (Putnam, 1991). He has also written a play, two children's
books and a novel. His best-selling autobiography, "Leaving Home," was published
by G.P. Putnam's Sons in January 1994. His book, "I'll Always Have Paris," is
due out in September 1996.
He was a recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for "Outstanding
Commentary" in 1982, and in 1986 was elected to the American Academy of Arts and
Mr. Buchwald is a workaholic and has no hobbies.